Saturday, September 12, 2009


How to keep busy: sculpting marzipan koi fish (note to self: does not work with homemade marzipan), learning to make marshmallow fondant (stickiest substance on god's green earth!) and deep-frying homemade apple cider donuts in a 1/2 quart saucepan (worked great, but all the frying credit goes to Eric).

And now for the food porn:
(almond cake soaked in whiskey, covered in marshmallow fondant (which was pretty but too sweet) and topped with marzipan koi fish)

(homemade apple cider donuts and donut holes made without a donut maker or a deep-fryer!)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

uh oh, i'm trying to be funny again...

"Inflatable Love Doll Descending a Staircase" - in progress!

(Think Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase" only with more vinyl and less abstraction)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A food interlude

It's kind of no secret that i like to cook/bake. When it comes to baking, the more ridiculous and elaborate, the better. It's kind of a secret (but not anymore i guess) that i've recently been considering going back to school for Baking/Pastry Arts. Along those lines, i've been busy lately playing with my food:
(all are sculpted and hand-dyed marzipan)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Finally finished!

"Inflatable Love Doll Madonna and Child", latex enamel on canvas, 2009

(it's kind of tough to photograph metallic paint...)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Some Knitting Projects of Late

i keep meaning to take this blog more seriously. It's just that, when faced with all the things i need to do in a given 24 hour period, "update the blog" doesn't even make it to the top ten. i'm really hoping to change that... one of these days.

Anyway, i've been knitting a fair bit lately. i've got a shawl started for my mom's birthday (Clapotis from Knitty):
It's coming along nicely. Bonus: the cat can use it as a cocoon!

Awhile back, i also made a nudibranch as a V-day giftie for a certain Someone (another pattern from the brilliant Hansi Singh):

Also, some armwarmers (pattern here):

Sunday, June 14, 2009

On or relating to being sick of the previously posted painting...

Behold! A series of drawings of things i find funny. (Thanks Sean Landers! ["People always say to me, 'i could paint that!' And i say, 'Yeah, so why don't you?']) Throughout Western MA, i kept seeing these picnic area signs wherein the tree is leaning rather precariously. Here's a crappy photo of one:

Anyway, other ideas include: The Hardin Family Seals (the seal of approval and the seal of disapproval [interpret "seal" as you like until further notice]), an exact rendering of "Labia Menorah", and something else that i completely forget now... let me get back to you on that.

Progress as of 6.14.09

i am pleased. Also: getting sick of working on this...